
Sports Medicine

Mission Statement

The Sports Medicine Program strives to provide the highest and most comprehensive standard of health care for our student-athletes, as well as the SHC Community. We strive to address all student-athletes’ well-being both mentally and physically with a scope of longevity - to encourage a healthy and active lifestyle throughout high school and into adulthood, through education and comprehensive health care.Mr. Melero, along with Ms. Markbreiter (Assistant Athletic Trainer), provide care for over 750 student-athletes in all 56 teams. The Sports Medicine Program provides injury prevention, evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation, as well as implements the ImPACT program, a computerized neurocognitive assessment tool for treating concussions. In addition to sports injuries, Mr. Melero and Ms. Markbreiter also serve as first responders on campus for the SHC community and provide medical care, education and information on many non-sports related medical issues.


Oscar C. Melero, MS, ATC, CSCS, CES, PES, ITAT
Director of Sports Medicine, Head Athletic Trainer
415.775.6626 ext. 788

Mr. Melero is in his 23rd year as Head Athletic Trainer at SHC overseeing the Sports Medicine Program. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Athletic Training/Clinical Exercise and Master’s Degree in Sports Psychology from the Kinesiology Program at Cal State University, Hayward. In addition to being the Head Athletic Trainer, he is also the Sports Medicine Club Moderator and AED Emergency Response Director. He has been a board Certified Athletic Trainer for 25 years through the National Athletic Trainers’ Association. In addition, he is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association, a Corrective Exercise Specialist and Performance Enhancement Specialist through the National Academy of Sports Medicine, an ImPACT Trained Athletic Trainer through ImPACT, and a certified instructor in First Aid/CPR/AED through the Health and Safety Institute. 

Jessica Markbreiter, MS, ATC
Assistant Athletic Trainer
415.775.6626 ext. 648

Ms. Markbreiter is in her third year as the Assistant Athletic Trainer at SHC. In addition, she also serves as Assistant Sports Medicine Club Moderator. Prior to joining SHC, Ms. Markbreiter was the Head Athletic Trainer at Half Moon Bay High School for four years. She has been a Board Certified Athletic Trainer for seven years through the National Athletic Trainers’ Association. She obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Athletic Training from Texas Christian University and Master’s Degree in Athletic Training from A.T. Still University. Over her years of education and certification she has gained clinical experience in Division I University, Junior College, and High School settings. She has co-authored two studies that were published in the Journal of Rehabilitation. 

John Touhy, DO
Head Team Physician

Dr. John Touhy has been a primary care sports medicine physician at Kaiser Permanente San Francisco for over ten years. In addition to being a team physician at Sacred Heart Cathedral, he also is a team physician at University of San Francisco. Dr Touhy did his medical school training at Des Moines University, his family medicine residency at Macneal Hospital (affiliated with the University of Chicago), and his primary care sports medicine fellowship at UCLA. Dr Touhy is also a member of the Kaiser SF Academy of Medical Educators & is part of the clinical teaching faculty at multiple programs including Kaiser Permanente San Francisco, UCSF, and Touro University.

Pre-Participation Physical Exam (PPE) and Athletic Participation Forms

We are once again partnering with Magnus Health to collect, manage and electronically store student health information, parent/guardian contact information, Preparticipation Physical Exam (PPE) Form, and electronically complete other mandated athletic participation related forms. You can find details regarding the privacy and security of this system here.

This new system will help ensure that accurate and timely information is accessible to parents and appropriate school personnel. It should also reduce the amount of paperwork for parents to complete each year. As this is a web-based system, you will have continuous access to your child’s health record as well as the ability to make updates when needed.

Here is a checklist of things that should be completed on Magnus:

  • Conditional Questions
  • Vital Health Record - Health History
  • Consent to Treat Form
  • Athletic Participation Forms
  • Preparticipation Physical Exam (PPE) Form (uploaded)

And, ONLY if applicable upload:

  • Prescription Medication Form
  • Asthma Action Plan Form
  • Food Allergy Action Plan Form
  • Diabetes Action Plan Form
  • Seizure Action Plan Form

Contact Mr. Sazo  if you are having difficulty accessing your Magnus Account.

COVID-19 and Athletic Participation

The health and safety of our student-athletes and coaches/staff is our highest priority. We are taking action to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and following the San Francisco Department of Public Health and CDC guidelines to protect students, families, and our community. For more information on SHC’s response to COVID-19, please visit click here.

There are risks of medical complications associated with COVID-19 in youth athletes. Per the CIF, and on the recommendations by the American Academy of Pediatrics, student-athletes who test positive for COVID-19 must go through a process to resume athletic participation. The CIF has updated their guidelines that streamlines a return to competition for students that meet a certain criteria: have a PPE on file and were asymptomatic or only had mild symptoms at the time of a positive test, and the symptoms have resolved. 

Below are the links to the CIF Evaluation document, and if required, the CIF Gradual Return to Play Document, and the SHC Physician Evaluation/Clearance Form (specific to COVID-19). If required, please return the SHC Physician Form to the athletic trainers once completed by your physician.

Athletic Injury/Illness Procedures

Student-athletes must report all injuries/illnesses to their coach and the athletic trainers as soon as possible. The athletic trainer will evaluate each injury and determine the best course of action (return to practice/competition, rest, physician referral, etc.) for the health and well-being of the student-athlete. The athletic trainers will determine if and when the injured student-athlete may return to activity at any capacity (conditioning/practice/competition).

Student-athletes who seek the care of a physician (as recognized by the American Medical Association, an MD or DO) either by referral of the athletic trainers or at their parents’ preference, must provide written documentation from the physician stating their injury or illness status (see link below to Injury/Illness Referral Form). Student-athletes who do not submit documentation after receiving care from a physician will not be allowed to participate in any capacity until such note is received. Further, the Athletic Department, in consultation with the team physician, reserves the right to make an independent determination of a student’s fitness for participation and to prohibit a student from participating in sports if the student-athlete exhibits a dangerous or potentially dangerous medical, physical or psychological condition, irrespective of a physician’s certificate of fitness.

Injured student-athletes are still part of the team and are expected to attend practice unless given clearance by a coach, athletic trainer or physician. Maintaining a positive attitude and taking an interest in their injury rehabilitation will lead to a faster and safe return to activity. Student-athletes are expected to be accountable and punctual for their injury evaluation/treatments/rehabilitation (lunch time) and taping/bracing (immediately after school). Appropriate practice attire (no street clothes) will be designated according to their injury and limitations.

SHC school policy also dictates that we cannot treat club athletic injuries. While we ask student-athletes to report all injuries for our records, and to keep our coaches aware of each student's health status, we can only consult and provide basic first aid for non SHC athletic injuries. As a parent, you should also update Magnus with any changes in medical history. (Add)

Accident/First-Aid Report Form

The Accident and First-Aid Report is to be completed by coaches in case of injury or accident at practice or competition.


For more information regarding concussions, please visit the CIF's website.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest and Automated External Defibrillators

For more information on sudden cardiac arrest and AEDs, please visit the CIF's website.

Emergency Action Plans

Information for Visiting Teams

Most on-site athletic events will be covered by an athletic trainer and provided access to water and ice for injuries. These sports include: girls and boys volleyball, girls and boys basketball, football and wrestling. If you would like to arrange for treatment for a student-athlete, please contact Director of Sports Medicine & Head Athletic Trainer Mr. Oscar Melero ahead of time at 415.775.6626 ext. 788.

Due to the numerous off-campus sites for outdoor sports, an athletic trainer may not be present for all events. These sites have limited or no access to water or ice for injuries, so we strongly suggest visiting teams bring water, injury ice and a first aid kit. Again, if you would like to arrange for treatment for a student-athlete please contact Mr. Oscar Melero ahead of time.

Staphylococcus Aureus or MRSA Infection

Inclement Weather - Lightning Safety

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