As SHC parents, you play the most important role in the academic, emotional and spiritual growth of your children. All SHC parents are members of the Parents Association, and we partner with you to provide a rich and meaningful high school experience for your children.

There are dozens of opportunities for parents to get involved during the school year. We also provide opportunities for parent engagement and parent education. The success of many school events depends on the presence of our parents!

For more information about your Parents Association membership, please contact Nicole Nastari, Dean of Students.

Need to change your bank information for tuition or Parent Pledge payments? Contact Michelle Ong for tuition and Magda Lara for Parent Pledge.


PowerSchool is our online hub to view your student's grades, attendance, schedule, and more. Check out our Powerschool Tutorial for instructions on setting up an account.


Looking for resources? We have you covered!

From rich forums to social commentary features and much more, this platform allows parents, teachers, students, counselors, club moderators and coaches to fully participate in the learning process. Schoology is your one-stop shop for everything SHC.

Where do I go?

Resources are available in the Parents Association Group in Schoology. Log in and navigate to the Parents Association Resources page.

Where do I find information specifically for my incoming ninth grader?

Visit the New Student page under Current Students.

Have questions about Schoology or need help logging in?

Email us at

Parent Pledge

Click here for an overview of how our parents keep an SHC education affordable for all.

Questions About the Parent Pledge?

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